Our core values are at the heart of our curriculum which is under-pinned by our agreed principles and beliefs.
In Key Stage 1 we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through the Key Stage. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum in addition to other experiences and opportunities which enhance the learning of all pupils. The aim is for the pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education. Our knowledge-rich curriculum, whilst highly aspirational, considers the development of the whole child. Our highly inclusive approach ensures that every child can exceed their potential and respond to tasks in their own individual way. In addition to this we encourage children to continue their learning at home through the use of home learning tasks.
The Key Stage 1 curriculum is organised so that Maths and English usually take place in the mornings with the afternoons being dedicated to the wider curriculum, such as art, science and computing. In addition to this every child has a daily phonics session. These sessions are grouped according to each child’s current phonetic development.
The Templemoor curriculum consists of: the National Curriculum core and foundation subjects, which are taught in a relevant, contextual and inspiring way. Each year group covers a range of subjects across 6 half terms. The National Curriculum objectives are then plotted into each half term to ensure a broad and balanced coverage. Each half term has a geography or history focus, teamed with alternate Art and DT objectives. Art and DT are taught over alternate topics and are occasionally linked where appropriate, but may be stand-alone subjects. Science, PE, RE and PSHE are taught as discrete sessions, though links can often be made. Individual staff members have the freedom to approach an objective in their own style to meet the needs of the individual class.
An enrichment programme for each year group include opportunities to create and perform music at the highest level with a Trafford Music Service Teacher, weekly PE lessons led by a specialist PE coach, high quality outdoor sessions, led by a Forest School Practitioner, in the varied outdoor learning areas we have on our grounds, regular visits to ensure learning is always first hand where possible and a programme of extracurricular activities in the Autumn and Summer Term includes creative and physical opportunities, such as a Choir Club and Sports Clubs.
Pupils have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners through school-based events, such as class assemblies. Our curriculum is broad and our commitment to encouraging creativity as well as academic mastery is unswerving.
The impact of our curriculum can be seen in the standards our children attain at the end of Year 2. Children at Templemoor make good progress and attain consistently better than national expectations at the end of Key Stage 1. In addition to our success in reading, writing and maths, our provision of enrichment opportunities enables pupils to achieve high standards across all areas of the curriculum.
Our pupils also demonstrate the impact of our curriculum through their behaviour for learning; children are confident and successful learners. Templemoor pupils feel motivated and are not afraid of ‘having a go’. They enjoy sharing their learning with each other and visitors.
Visitors to Templemoor often comment on the behaviour of the children. They are caring and supportive of each other. Our pupils have a voice and know they are not too young to make a difference. The eco-friendly initiatives the school has recently adopted came from the children.