Online Safety

At Templemoor Infant and Nursery School, we believe that online safety is a crucial part of your child's education. Not only is online safety part of our computing curriculum, but important messages and information are given to children through online safety focused assemblies and taking part in national events such as 'Internet Safety Week'.
What we do at Templemoor to keep your child safe online:
  • We use filtering software on the school internet.
  • We talk to your child about online safety and include it in the  curriculum and in assemblies.
  • We have guidance for children, staff and parents about online safety.
  • We have an online safety policy, which includes cyber-bullying.
  • We have 'Acceptable User Agreements' which staff and children sign.
We have a comprehensive Online Safety Policy and this can be downloaded below, along with our Social Media Policy and Twitter Policy. 
There is a vast amount of information out there for parents / carers and children to access to help highlight the key aspects of keeping safe when online. Below are a number of documents / resources that we feel are useful and will help to highlight the importance of e-safety.
Internet have created a simple checklist to give you peace of mind regarding your child's safety on the internet. 
Think U have also produced a useful checklist for parents and carers. 
Latests Ofcom research has shown that 81% of 5-15 year olds have access to a tablet at home and almost 40% of 3 to 4 year olds and two thirds of 5 to 7 year olds go online. Read the document below to help keep your youngest children safe online. 
Remember the 5 SMART rules when using the internet and mobile phones.
The NSPCC have produced some excellent information guides to help keep your child safe online. For more help and advice visit, or contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 to discuss any concerns.  
BBC advice page for parents. Do you share too much of your child's life online? Click here to visit the website. 
Click here to access some valuable advice from Childnet International. 
This guide has been created to answer questions about a range of devices including smartphones, gaming devices, tablets and other internet-connected devices. The guide highlights the safety tools available and empowers parents with the knowledge they need to support their children to use these technologies safely and responsibly. Click here to access the guide. 
Online Safety Videos
An introduction to internet safety and cyberbullying from Hectors World. Click here to access other videos and resources from the series. 
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This clip was made for an online safety awareness campaign for children aged 4 to 8 years old. 
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Ask before you watch
Red and Murphy talk to Freddie and Alisha about watching videos online. What should children do before they watch videos on YouTube and what should they do if they see something upsetting online? 
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Help children remember what they have learnt during Safer Internet Day with our online safety rhyme!
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How to make an avatar
The puppets Red and Murphy chat about creating an avatar online and what private information children should be aware of using when creating their own avatars.
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You can report to CEOP if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. CEOP is here to help you. Please click on the CEOP image below to report an incident.